Ten Tips for a Better Etsy Seller Experience – Free Guide



I am releasing 99 copies of my Ten Tips for a Better Etsy Seller Experience for free! Act fast!

These are the techniques I use to keep moving forward when facing the challenges of being an Etsy seller.


Ten Tips for a Better Etsy Seller Experience – Free Guide.

Etsy SEO Ten Tips For Better Tagging On Etsy Seller by johnwgolden


tagging icon

For as long as I could understand Etsy, I have been helping other Etsy sellers learn how to live a creative life. For me Etsy is a big part of that.

As I have shared here before, there were a few years when I had to stop helping others as much and concentrate on learning how to tag for the then new Relevancy-based search on Etsy. Learning how to tag on Etsy was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done on Etsy, but I made it through with a lot of knowledge about how to be found on Etsy.

Now, I have compiled the 10 most important things a seller can do to understand tagging for Etsy in to this How To Tag for Etsy PDF – Ten Tips For Better Tagging on Etsy.

Sales of the PDF (just $9.99 for a PDF that may just change your favorite Etsy Seller’s life) will help to fund the completion of more helpful booklets and eventually a book on living a creative life on Etsy.

Etsy SEO Ten Tips For Better Tagging On Etsy Seller by johnwgolden.

Best laid plans…














Hello friends!

Did not get to do any posts since Mother’s Day, so nothing was posted about the great Father’s Day Gifts I can make for you. Next year for sure!

We had a slight detour following Easter. We found out that our youngest daughter has Type 1 Diabetes. She is doing great now and really seems to have a handle on this new normal. Turns out trips to the hospital can come with some nasty respiratory bugs, and I brought home the nastiest I have known in years. I faced down a 104.1 fever several times and about 10 days of downtime.

With all the excitement, there was a lot of waiting for orders by the most patient and understanding customers ever. I really appreciate everyone allowing me this time to get my family back on the right track to health. We have learned a lot about challenges and crises from a 9-year old that we have never doubted would teach us a lot about life. Thanks to everyone who was made a part of this journey, whether you knew it or not.

There are still a few orders lingering, but most orders are now shipping in the estimated time with no future foreseeable delays.